Veľmi zaujimavé čítanie o problémoch elektronického mýta, kde sa špecialne a veľmi podrobne rozoberá aj situacia v Dvoriankach na ceste I/79 a to na viacerých stranách, presne strany 19,20,21 kde rozoberajú naše aktivity v obci Dvorianky pri riešeni tranzitnej kamionovej dopravy v obci a na celom cestnom ťahu I/79.
Je to aktualizovaná verzia správy vypracovanej pre WP3 z IRISS projekt, ktorý získal finančné prostriedky zo siedmeho rámcoveho programu Europskej unie pre výskum, technický rozvoj a demonštračné činnosti v rámci dohody pre Grant No:285593.
This is an updated version (as of January 2015) of report prepared for WP3 of IRISS Project, which received funding from the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under Grant Agreement No. 285593.
Contact Info:
Erik Lastic, Department of Political Science, Faculty of Arts, Comenius University, Bratislava. Gondova 2, P.O.Box 1, 811 02, Bratislava 16, Slovakia. Email:
Dvorianky si všimli aj v zahraničí - "Dvorianky Destroyed by Truks"
Case study report on the Electronic Toll System In Slovakia
Účelom výskumu bolo preskúmať rozvoj rôznych sledovacích technik v demokratických spoločnostiach, ďalej zistiť ako tieto technologie menia spoločnosť, ako na ne reaguju občania a nakoniec navrhnúť odporúčania pre EU, ako lepšie manažovať oblasť ochrany práv. Výskum financovala Europska komisia.
Našu činnosť v správe uvadzajú ako príklad slovenskej občianskej aktivity, ktorá reaguje na problémy, čo vznikli v dôsledku zavedenia mýta. Výskumy ako projekt IRISS poukazujú na rôzne takéto príklady a v rámci Europy umožnujú porovnať rôzne dôsledky, ktoré vyvolajú nové technologie a na ktoré vlády a inštitucie zjednodušene povedané nemysleli. Správy z vyskumu sú zverejnené a odovzdané Europskej komisii.
Mgr. Zuzana Lisoňová
Rozvoj vedy, domáce a zahraničné projekty
Dekanát, Filozofická fakulta UK
Probably most visible governance problem of the ETS310 has to do with deliberate avoiding of toll roads by trucks by using roads of 2nd and 3rd class(311). This resulted in an increase of the traffic by vehicles driving through communities, and damages to properties and local road infrastructure. All national governments acknowledged the existence of the problem, and attempted to use legal, economical and informational instruments to solve it, without being able to produce a working solution so far. The problem also points out to the complicated problem solving when it includes three levels of the government, as the problem is local, the 2nd and 3rd class roads belong to the regions, but it is only the national government that has policy instruments to solve it. To complicate the solution to the problem even more, three different national governments were in the office between 2010 and 2013 (312).
The change in the new 2013 law confirmed that current enforcement was not able to handle the scope of this problem, despite repeated complaints from communities, regional politicians and media. An interesting case of the community effort to offer rich evidence of the scale of the problem to the state authorities could be found in village Dvorianky(314), where citizens organized an informal group that systematically monitored the situation. In order to rovide precise data(315) to state administration on traffic and types of vehicles that were using their road, they used infrared cameras. They have their own Youtube channel with video footage of transiting trucks in various time periods(316), a blog(317), a webpage(318) and a acebook account(319). In 2013, after months of complaining to various level of the government, they finally achieved that the road that transits their village will be included in ETS from January 2014. However, as a blog post of petition chairman argues, the doubts remain, as the toll for using their road will be cheaper compared to a parallel highway.(320)
311: The problem itself was subject of dozens of media reports, e.g. SME, Dvoriankam ničia živor
kamióny (Dvorianky Destroyed by Trucks), 09/08/2013, available at:
312: Probably most elaborate effort to map a complicated workings of the government in Slovakia in this instance is provided by the leader of petition committee in village Dvorianky. Mr. J. Vitkovič, who
attempts for several years to solve the problem by allerting state authorities. In this blog post he explains how two ministers promised a solution, to no avail, and currently five different sections of the Transport Ministry review his demands. See, accessed 09/12/2013
314: The case was reported by several media outlets, e.g. SME, Dvoriankam ničia život kamióny,
obyvatelia strácajú trpezlivosť (Life In Dvorianky Destroyed By Trucks, People Are Loosing Patience),
Projekt bol podporený z Európskej Komisie, Generálne riaditeľstvo pre výskum a inovácie v rámci 7-ho rámcového programu. Cieľom projektu IRISS, bolo analyzovať prístupy k "ochrane údajov a prístup k informáciám". Do projektu bolo zapojených niekoľko Európskych univerzít a výskumných centier. Členom konzorcia bola aj Univerzita Komenského v Bratislava.
Výstupom projektu sú odporúčania pre Radu a Európsky parlament, ktoré boli zverejnené 31 januára 2015: